Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Caramel Buns

"Likkered-up caramel buns"Add caption

The past four or five days have just run together like protoplasm, apropos of nothing right now. Lately, I have had good things and awful things running around in my mind like those bumper cars at fairs, used to anyhow.

This baking of the Caramel Bun has undone me because it took all of my time and my energy. This I didn't like, yet if someone had deprived me of my slavery to this endeavor I would have fought them. I find that the last four days has sorely even impacted the hours I go to bed and the other day it was even 0722 due to the work it took for me to perform the necessary parts of this recipe. Of course Rose had warned us. 

I have said that the past four days of attempting to complete this innocuous sounding caramel bun has been harrying for me to say the least. I didn't know how to do some required things, techniques, and that was frustrating. But finally, after midnight tonight I took one of these just-baked caramel buns that had been slathered with some sticking stuff, and I bit into a grape that obviously grew from a farm of booze, topped by a toasty nut. It is said that she, being me, had macerated a bunch of raisins for some five days in the blackest pirate rum that ever came across the seas. I now can also attest to that. Wow. I then began to realize what I was eating. The caramel was more than caramel and the bun was not-so mundane as suggested. And also, a catastrophe had arisen in that I only had one of these creations for me since I had promised those at work I would bring them some. It occurred to me now that I could cut them in half and the office staff would only think that was the true size. Oh well, after all there is one for my husband [if I don't get it first] and I have already had mine, so the staff must enjoy the size as they should.

These buns are indescribably, fabulously 'likkered-up things' - not really buns, of course. They are not from Heaven as we might know it, but they are more as if the devil had conspired with Lucifer himself, the same, to prevent a conscientious abstinence. Upon being descended upon by this thing, all the pains in my back from standing in the kitchen flew out the window along with other complaints and awareness of the need for sleep, thus restoring me as a devotee of Rose, and Woody once again. I even like him today - him with his infernal ruler. Even sleep-deprived, fearful of not succeeding, frustrated by doing things wrong, like the dough rolling, like the turns, all those malcontents went flying out the door, not just the window, and I almost began to look forward to the trellised 'sour cherry pi' as Marie calls it.

However, in my moment of sanity here and now, although it may not appear that way to others at present, I decide to get these infernal pictures posted in the morning because I am too likkered-up by the grapes and the caramel at the moment. 

Finally, however, before I do lay my little head down to sleep, I have a moment of likker-inspired devilment and am inspired in that way to invite our criminologist, one Raymond, given our circumstances as Alphas and the work that we have just completed here, i.e. baking in kitchens, with counter equipment such as those used, if he would like to solve a small crime scene. This intervention will be an incident solving of 'Lost and Found' taking place in our presently completed scenario, wherein Lost will be an implement and what its purpose is, and Found will be where it was found and why it was there. There is no prize if he succeeds; just a loud guffaw at me.

And now, at this time, a late but happy ending, I would like to extend a profound thank you to our Maestros for this adagio, the amazing: "Likkered-up Caramel Bun".
Cara studying with Stormy



  1. Whoohoo - all your hard work paid off because your caramel buns look utterly amazing! My raisins enjoyed their rum bath for a little over 24 hours, and they were pretty "likkered up". I can only image what yours tasted like after 4 days. I would tell Stormy she has a study buddy, but she's too busy napping at the moment. Lol.

    1. Thanks Patricia- yes I was really surprised, and of course that the caramel was really nice. Thanks.

  2. I agree with Patricia! All your hard work paid off! Your caramel buns look so delicious and wonderful! Your little kitty is very adorable! Out of curiosity, why do you have plastic all over the tabletop? Are you renovating your kitchen? Oh..I spy the magic pastry mat!! Now i want one too! lol!

    1. Faithy you are always the first here. Thanks. Like Bill on the forum my kitchen is only 3x 8' so you can imagine..,so I put a fold out table afew feet to the entrance and plastic painters sheet onet voila a place to work perpendicular to dining table I will send pic. Wish I had a kitchen to renovate! Getting colored oil cloth ��Love the pastry sheet!

  3. All is well that ends well, they say. And what is that saying: I cook with wine and occasionally add it to the food. Seriously though, you must remember that you're only sharing the liquor with the raisins, as it's important to keep yourself liquored up in times of stress. This is my sage advice!

  4. Hi Joan: Great post--so delightful to read! I had quite the exchange in the liquor store trying to buy rum--which I don't like, except in Rose's recipes. Clerk: "Whatcha you drinking it with?" Me: "I'm not drinking it. Just baking." Clerk: "You're gonna to want to drink the leftovers, ain't cha?" The conversation went on and on and on.... but it was worth it!!
    :-) Can't wait for the pie!!

    1. Michele, what a generous comment! Thank you so much. Just barely got done or up and still missing an anecdote that I will share next time.. Another hilarious faux pas from the buns. Love your rum, cantcha jest a wait fer the Cherry Heering?!

  5. yeah,I don't drink at all too. I live in a dry county so to buy a liquor we have to drive quite a while so i I sent my father in law to do the shopping for me. but, your caramel buns look great!!

    1. It's amusing to have all these wonderful licquers In the pantry and not use them except for cooking or seldom serving.. Your things are always so delicious! Thanks for stopping by!
